For instance.
-There is an indicator for red-green-blue, and yellow-purp damage, but nothing that says how yellow/purp corresponds with red-green-blue.
-Could explain when and how you Gain new Characters in the game and that they arent actual kogs, just characters in the game.
-Could explain how to actually add the kog/choob boosts in game. It says that you can, but there is nothing ingame about how. ie... add a "?" button on the char info page that says click on the green circle next to the stat you wish to boost to see any available bonuses and apply.
-Could explain that when a choob boost is applied, its sees whats in your wallet regardless of staking, and it also does not burn the kog/choob.
-Could also explain how the kog/choob boosts stack if they do/dont.
-Could explain that damage received is the same as the attacking damage correlation. ie red-green-blue.
-Could add a banner to the char's on the char page that says "kog" accross the corner of the char so that you know that is a char received due to a kog in your wallet.
  • Could list somewhere what kogs are usable ingame. in like a additional info or something like an "i" button that people can click for just all the extra info that is great to know, but they dont have to know it in order to play the game.
-Could allow people to use their rfox Id profile name for their ingame name rather than what their google profile is. That way if people have their real name on their google profile it's not blasted across the game.
-Could explain how scoring works.
ie.. connecting 3 gives 30 pts, and then have it expands, multipliers for hitting damage, using abilities, and using as many moves as possible.
-Could explain when and how you begin to gain real rewards in the game since it is a p2e.
  • On the faild level page where it asks to "buy 5 move", "use 5 move", "buy 10 move", "use 10 move", "restart", "retry" you could add a "change characters/fighters" button that would be dope.
-Could show what elements you would be fighting on the Play level popup so people can prep in advance without wasting lives.
-Could explain how all the bonus balls/obs work when your completing a level.
None of this is to bash, just all ideas, genuinely loving the game